Colette, thank you, thank you, thank you. First, for introducing me to Carol Lynn Pearson. I will never be the same.

And thank you for your courageous writing, on this topic and the many more I'm enjoying. I'm so glad you are here!!

May we all find more and more that our beautiful Mama God has been with us the whole time, and may we be drawn ever closer to Her heart!

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Yes, Anni! May we all be drawn closer to Her!❤️

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I'm going to reread this one and meditate on the wisdom you offer here. This is an area I'm just beginning to explore but honestly so open to. I remember reading the shack and just instinctively feeling that the portrayal of God as female and black was good and beautiful. Are there resources you would recommend I see you have referred to a few here

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Thank you, Jen! A few more resources can be found at the Center for Action and Contemplation - they did a series on Mother God. https://cac.org/daily-meditations/mother-god-2017-11-08/ Also, just reading older mystics is good like Divine Love by Julian that I mentioned above. But it’s definitely a deep dive that I’m still figuring it out. A big part of my journey was led by experience and trusting God was in it with me.

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Thank you colette. Yes I love what you said about the role of longing in your own journey

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You know I love this one. ❤️

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Oh Julian how I love thee.

Really beautiful Colette. Also, you need to add Theology of the Womb by Christy Bauman to your reading

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