For work I recently did the "Everything DiSC Agile EQ" assessment and found it very fascinating. It stays away from that false idea of immutability many "personality" tests take, and is clear that this is where you are in this moment and that there are things you can strengthen (or strengths you can lean into) based on your results. Take it in a year, and perhaps you'll have shifted! But what was most interesting about it was learning how to flex my own communication styles to better relate to others and meet them at their level. So the personal level was in-depth and awesome, but the EQ and relating to others aspect of it I found was incredibly vital and so overlooked by other tests I've taken.

On a separate note, I'm listening to the book "The Once and Future Sex," by Eleanor Janega and think you would really find it interesting. They just talked about Bèguines and some of the women who chose to live religious life but still connected to their communities - and some of them wrote too! Marguerite Porete is a name I wrote down, she wrote something called "The Mirror of Simple Souls" - curious if you've ever heard of her or the Beguines in general?

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Okay, that text sounds amazing. I’ll have to look it up.

I have not heard Beguines but sounds right up my alley! Thanks for the suggestion!

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